I thought "spiritual terrorist" was a compliment.
Granny Linda
JoinedPosts by Granny Linda
Going out in service......once again.
by LuckyLucy inwell...it's sunday again and its time for me to get ready to go "out in service".. exept now, instead of putting on a long dowdy skirt , blouse up to my fricking neck and geeky shoes, i will be putting on sweat pants,a tee shirt and high top rebocks.. instead of carry a bag with watchtowers and awakes..i have a backpack with leaflets about protecting your children.. 25 years ago if anyone told me i would be doing this i would have said your out of your mind!!.
thank you wt for stripping my dignity away by sending me door to door preaching your bull shit.. because now...every door i go to i am slowing regaining my dignity and self worth.. thank you wt for training me so well...how does it feel to have your own "weapon" aimed back at you??
drugs wordwide epedemi
by happy man in.
ii think this board is a perfekt place to speak about this very bigg problem.. i grow upp in a jw family in 1960 when flower power was a bigg thing, many of these who try canabis, marijuana, ended upp dead, and for mee it was not even in my wildest fantsy to tke this things.. today this is a very bigg problem , even among jw i think, it is not easy to find your children use this stuff, and also defending it and try to tell that it is much more dangerus widh two ore three drinks on satterday evning.. i have two boys who almost worshipp this drugg canabis , and say it open your mind, helping you to see things as they realy are.. perhaps some here have expiriens how you as a parent must akt, i have never hitt my children, i heve never force them to bee a jw, ofcourse this is a very bigg problem , for mee, and i think fore many who have been involvd.
inn sweden it is a crime to use this or to sell it, i now in some other countrys it is not forbidden, so if some one want to give some addvice, thank you.
Granny Linda
Hi, Happy. Nice seeing you here.
I seriously doubt that pot smoking brought on death. And smoking pot is not indicitive of the person graduating onto 'hard' drugs. Quite right though, some do, I'd imagine. But as already mentioned, given a choice, if one choices any drug - I'd rather my son light up a pipe then drink alcohol.
In this country (USA) there is strong evidence that the govenment is responsible for bringing drugs into this country to begin with. Personally I think this phoney war on drugs is just a smoke screen for matters much more pressing against our freedoms. Now, that does not mean I do not care about our youth being poisoned by man made drugs. Speaking of which, how many prescription drug "addicts" are there world wide?...yet there is little said at the public level about how RICH doctors and pharmacutical companies are because of such. Hell, how many people die in your country each year because of mis-diagnosis and/or prescription drugs?
It's not uncommon hearing of how some have died because the doctor continues switching pills on a patient. Pill pushers, in my opinion. I'd suggest that perhaps instead of believing everything put out at the media level you might be surprised to learn just how we have all been lied to about a myraid of things. Sorta like us 'apostates' here...after honest investigation - well, ain't it amazing just what can be learned, eh. It's not politically correct though too go contrary to status quo. And of course information is not always readily available.
I'm not advocating any type of drug...but people will continue doing what they've done with or without consent. And again because of law's, attorney's and the court system reap billions of dollars. My husband is a former bail bondsmen, and let me tell you the money game is motivation enough. Wait until these hate crimes become more common place...whew, money will flow like booze.
enough said.
by disneycuty ini have a question: as you all know jehovah's witnesses view crystal ball, physics, as demonized or anything that is not suppose to be in the house like tarot cards.
and jehovah's witness believe that the demons would bother them if they do these activities or have them in the house.
do you still believe that or do you think it is the society's way of mind control over their members?
Granny Linda
One of the first things I did after getting into recovery was begin looking into all sorts of supposed "demonic" readings. One of my favorite topics of discussion is about the Occult. After years of doing this and that, I became bored with most of it. My experiences did release me from FEAR, and for that I'm grateful.
As for demons and whatnot...just not sure. I believe people, not spirit is capable of the most vile acts against humanity. I tired long ago of other's telling me what is evil. Especially coming from some of the more ignorant that live their life controlled by fear.
My one former sister-in-law has spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on psychics. Because Sylvia Brown charged $700.00 per hour; this same in-law had a reading with Sylvia's son, because he only charged half of what his mom does. Must be nice having that kind of money to spend in search of what??? My opinion, perhaps we need to begin looking deep within ourselves for our truth rather than pump up someone's ego...and bank account. Oh well, live and let live, eh.
by minimus inlately, i notice quite a few comments of disillusionment.
some say they are no longer religious.
others say they are not sure if god really exists.others are trying to come to terms with life outside of the watchtower.
Granny Linda
by new boy intrying to make sense of it all?-----------------try this.. that we all been here many times to experenice all aspects of life.. we have been male an female.. we have been or will be most races on the planet.. we have been or will be a members of most religions on this planet!.
we have been judges, soldiers, harlots, pleasants and some have been kings.we have been the prisoners and we have been the guards, we have killed, we have been killed.. oh yes!
we have been zealots too.. there is no!!!
Granny Linda
NAH. Just cloned by repetilian aliens to do their drone work...and pay taxes.
Does God Exist? He Sure Does
by comforter indoes god exist?
god is evidenced by his creation, his word, and the relationship that believers have with him.
sadly, i notice that a lot of former jws either do not believe in god or believe in some false god of the nations.
Granny Linda
SHE sure does! :)
Jim said it ok by me...the one thing that seems to escape most of Christianity.
I accept total responsibility for my belief(s) or lack of. Let the cards fall where they may. I'm not afraid.
Protect your children!
by KKLUV155 inprotect your children!
common misconceptions
your child is in danger!
Granny Linda
I tell everyone I come into contact with about the JW and this sickening pedophile evilness. In this small community there have been instances of child molestation within other church organizations, too. Hell, one pastor was given15 years. Too, a scandal re; high school teacher that apparently nothing was done about other than being transferred. Just makes me ill thinking of our children being in harms way.
I dont trust anyone!
by haujobbz in.
humans cant be trusted thats my attitude!!!!
i say this because its true, think about it takes years to get to know someone, maybe 10 years later you may say i really trust this person or persons,but all sudden those you thought you could trust do something to hurt you,betrayal,theft,backstabbing,assault,dishonesty,liar,deception,etc.even on here i dont really know any of you, all i do is just type and that suits me, you seem to be people of all walks of life some upset,confused,happy etc.but that doesnt mean what you say in your words reflects the "real you" .whether you belive in god or evolution etc it makes no difference we all have imperfect desires in us and give it the right moment and they may be unleashed,you may think im paranoid but "im not" i just dont have much trust for humans good or bad and i dont even trust myself sometimes.
Granny Linda
HUMMMMM. Sometimes the only reason I'm "trusting" of others is because I KNOW MYSELF to be trustworthy, and I have to take a risk regarding them as I would want/need someone to take a risk regarding me. Then, too, sometimes things do/will happen depending upon our expectations.
I've had too look long and hard at myself. And that was the scary part. Actually the older I get, the more I understand how humans do not always "hear" nor "see" what is right in front of us - thus any can be prone to jump to conclusions about another's motive. When MAYBE the truth of that person was obvious the whole time.
As for individuals who use and abuse others for sake of just that...I'm not responsible for them. And yes, there have been times when I suffered greatly over what I considered betrayel from "a loved one." That's the way it goes sometimes. It helped make me a better person in the end because I chose not to be like others I see.
It's as simple sometimes as "live and let live." I can still get pissed about harms done me in the past, but I'd rather take it as a learning lesson and move on. Maybe I'm speaking at of turn here, but what helps me is doing volunteer work. Ya know, instead of looking to get whatever I think I need, I "get", by giving. And I volunteer at a Christian based community center which helps me learn tolerance because I'm very anti-christianity. Life is just to grand...and full of paradox.
Stay strong
Are any subjects taboo?
by sleepy indo you feel there are some subjects and questions that shouldn't be asked?.
maybe you feel its disrespectful, or in bad taste to discuss some issues.or are all things open to discussion and consideration?.
are you afraid of asking questions or discussing certain issues as you are afraid of how others will see you, and may think that because you ask the question you are promoting the issue?
Granny Linda
I think we should remain aware of what type forum we are on. It's good that there are different boards within any given forum so the individual has choices; depending upon the topic.
Years ago I'd stumbled onto a now debunk web page for former JW's...and I was quite shocked reading all about the sex life of others. Actually I read very little that covered other areas of recovery. Not that I'm a prude, but enough was enough. I really didn't have any pressing JW issues at that time so it was no loss to me, but I did wonder how explicit sex talk would help the majority.
Too, I'd like to believe that most people ask sincere questions; whether or not someone else thinks it appropriate. Social protocol is still valid. And if we really don't like something, we have a choice to ignore and go on. Most people have their private e-mail available so if there is a topic one feels is not open for debate on an open forum...some might respond privately.
Hey Reborn, if you read this just wanted to say I like your style. I get a laugh each time I read your "fuck the JW.s" :)
Granny, who is not all that sweet and naive.
My Story Part 1
by Robinhood ini chose to remain cloaked as to my true identity for now.
because the watchtower trolls who lurk here need to eat fresh meat.
i will not be a quick and easy disfellowship assignment for the local boys.
Granny Linda
Here, too, I'll be looking forward to other postings from you. Welcome. Actually, welcome to any newcomers. I've just began posting after lurking around awhile.